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23 June 2022

Improving Learning Symposium - Sanskriti International School

At the beginning of May, Sanskriti International School held the Improving Learning Symposium in partnership with the International Curriculum Association. Over two days schools were invited to learn about our International Curriculum and how the International Early Years Curriculum, International Primary Curriculum and International Middle Years Curriculum can positively impact on the quality of learning.

During the two days those that attended met with colleagues from a range of schools as well as from the International Curriculum Association and engaged in discussions focused on the theme of Improving Learning.

This is the first of a series of professional learning symposiums leading up to the International Curriculum Conference held virtually on October 19-20. The two-day event will be an opportunity to connect with our global community of schools and participate in Thought Leadership presentations, school led workshops, demonstrations, showcases, panel discussions and networking.