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15 February 2021

Guest Blog: Celebrating change as an IPC Trainer

As an international trainer for the IPC, this year has been full of changes, just like so many teachers in schools around the world. We have changed the way we train from face to face to an online, blended course, and on reflection, it’s been really positive. Along with this change, the IPC has seen many changes as part of the IPC2020 review that is now supporting and benefiting many teachers and schools worldwide.

The IPC encourages learners to be globally competent, future-ready, socially conscious and motivated to positively contribute within a local and/or global context. This is done by using the new goals organised by strands, showing vertical progression for all learners.

One of the changes as part of IPC2020 is that the Learning Goals of the International Curriculum are presented as a matrix or grid, intended to support teachers in knowing where learners’ development has come from and/or where they are going to. The grid format indicates the sequence of progression through the mileposts of the international curriculum, within an area of learning, while demonstrating what progress looks like throughout.

Another element that I want to celebrate is that the assessment for improving learning toolkit has been updated. The mastering is the aim for all learners, along with a new column of innovating. Remember that the aim of rubrics is to improve learning and support you as a teacher.

The last change I want to mention is the brilliant new SDG Challenge Series that aims to further develop learner agency and global competence by providing exciting and relevant challenges linked to the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Challenge Series outlines global issues for learners to respond to, requiring problem-solving and applying all the Personal Learning Goals.

Like our learners, we are continually reflecting on our service and responding to your feedback on the IPC platform or via Twitter. We looked at the Milepost 1 units to make them even better through the constant self-evaluation, and we are currently reviewing units in Milepost 2 & 3, so watch this space!

Improving Learning