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Our Team

A word from our Director

I am both honoured and humbled to have been entrusted with leading this community that has been created and shaped by so many insightful and talented people – all committed to the common goal of improving learning.

The commitment and support of the ICA learning community continuously pushes us to pursue our goal: to promote best practices in the implementation of the highest quality international curriculum. This year we have re-branded from Fieldwork Education to the International Curriculum Association, pursuing our vision of an active, well-connected learning community focused on championing quality, improving learning and unlocking potential.

Thank you for the kind words of congratulations and support from so many of you and for the active part that you continue to play in our community.  Thank you too to my colleagues in the ICA team who tirelessly bring skills, ideas and commitment to ensure our continuous improvement as a learning organisation.

I am looking forward to working together with you all to unlock the potential of our association; to collaborating with you to strengthen our community; and to driving forward our common purpose.

Sarah Blackmore

Director, International Curriculum Association (ICA)

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