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06 January 2021

Guest Blog: Implementing Virtual Learning in Kindergarten

Kindergarten at Apple Green School aims to be engaging and supportive of our families by creating a calm and secure learning environment.  

The following strategies were followed to welcome our little ones back to school virtually. 

Meet your teacher meetings

Meeting the teacher personally develops the child’s confidence and comfort level. We had two meet your teacher meetings to help the families and children feel comfortable with the teacher. Each meeting was set up according to the convenient time for families. The first meeting was a short meeting to introduce each other and get familiar with the virtual learning environment.

During the second meeting, we asked families to set up simple items found at home for an experiment. We had a bubbly blast by mixing baking soda, vinegar, and food colouring.

Settling in program

The settling in program lasted two weeks to help families and learners become familiar with the virtual instructional style. This helped learners and parents to adjust at a steady pace and not feel rushed.

his Is Me – Entry point

The first IEYC entry point coincided with the National day of Oman. The children were asked to dress up in the traditional colours of Oman to come and collect the virtual learning kit and meet their teacher with social distancing in place. This helped to build excitement for the entry point and their new unit of learning that they would follow from home.

By putting strategies in place at the start of term, it allowed for the parents and learners to feel at ease and ready to learn virtually. I'm sure many schools will have other strategies that worked for them but I wanted to share our school experience and tips to help our IEYC community.

Improving Learning