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22 August 2023

7 Ways the IMYC Boosts Engagement with Learners

Learning should be at the core of what every good school does, and one overarching question to ask is, ‘How can we boost student engagement?’

Your students benefit from an environment where learners are co-constructors rather than passive objects of their education. Including the IMYC pedagogy and philosophy in your school’s learning environment (and spaces beyond) has the potential to stimulate and inspire curiosity and engagement among the school’s learners.

Below are 7 Ways the IMYC Boosts Engagement with Learners. 

  1. Offers an interdisciplinary approach to learning: The IMYC links subjects together under a Big Idea, allowing students to see the connections and relevance between different subject areas. This holistic approach can help students understand the bigger picture and connect what they learn.

  2. Focuses on holistic learning. The IMYC also emphasizes students to progress across three areas - Subject, Personal, and International - with learners gaining knowledge, mastering skills and deepening and broadening understanding. 

  3. Encourages personal reflection: Throughout their learning, students are encouraged to reflect on their understanding and progress. This helps them think about their mistakes, how to learn from them, and what approaches may be done differently. The IMYC embeds moments of reflection through discussion and journaling—whether in a journal, with audio or by video.

  4. Allows for flexibility: The IMYC allows for flexibility, which means teachers can adapt the curriculum to suit the specific needs and interests of their students, making lessons more engaging and relevant.

  5. Promotes global competence: IMYC promotes global competence by exploring issues and topics that are significant worldwide. This helps students understand their place in the world, fosters a sense of curiosity about different cultures and global issues, and encourages them to take action to make a change in their world, however big or small.

  6. Emphasises the process of learning: The IMYC not only focuses on the outcomes through learning goals but emphasises the importance of the learning process itself. By helping students appreciate the journey of discovery, they are more likely to stay engaged, enjoy their learning, and become more aware of how they are learning through metacognition.

  7. Addresses the needs of the teenage brain: The IMYC recognizes that the teenage brain undergoes significant developmental changes, and it is structured to address these through its unique model named IMPART. By weaving the IMPART principles into its framework, the IMYC ensures a holistic learning experience tailored to the specific needs of adolescents.

The International Middle Years Curriculum